Climbing the Heights

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Journal #7 Jazz Technique III Class #8

Well, as I return back to another week of classes, as has often become my custom of late, I am reflecting on the past week! In this case, I only went to class on Thursday, as Tuesday I got very little sleep the night before and had to get up around 3:45AM to head off to work at Starbucks before going to class. As a result of my lack of sleep the night before, I decided it would be better to take the day off from classes after I got off work, so as to catch up on sleep!
Upon returning, Thursday, class was a bit unusual, in the sense that their were only three students, so we did class a little differently. I would have to say, that I actually liked that class more than some classes in the past. Especially for me as it gave me the opportunity to have more instructor attention than in other previous classes. As I may have mentioned before, the one thing as an aspiring carreer dance performer, I constantly see a great need to improve in my technique. It seems to me that regardless of the types of movements, and the difficulty in each step or series of steps, the key is found in the execution. If I focused more on simpler steps, perhaps I might sense more progess in my dancing technique as a whole. I feel often in some dance classes like this one, that I learn a lot of choriography, but rarely really get a chance to work on my own personal technique and execution of steps. At some point in my classes (in the future) I would really like to have at least one class that is purely focused on technique. I think that that would improve so much more of what I do as a dancer. I already feel in a small way that I am making progress as a dancer by taking a ballet class for the first time.
I digress a bit, but I think it was important to touch on a few personal observations there.
So, on Thursday, there were three of us. One thing I enjoyed quite a bit was the fact that we were able to do a lot more in the class and focus much more time on each of us getting the movements down. I felt more confident in myself as I didn't feel rushed in my executions. I felt like I was able to truly take the time I needed to learn the steps and also, correct them as I went. I suppose, this would be one of my desires for the remainder of the semester, that I would be able to spend more time on individual movements and phrases so as to perfect my overall execution and technique. I have enjoyed learning various types of choriography, and I must admit I'm learning to get the steps down faster than I would have in the past. Yet, still I would desire more inidividual time as we go in correction of technique.
I suppose that really sums up most of this past week! As I look ahead to the start of another class and another week, I truly hope I can continue to grow as a dancer and a performer!

Often striving for improvement,
The Dancing Devil Dog

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