Climbing the Heights

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Journal #17 Jazz Technique III Class #17

The Jamba Juice Jazz Journal

Following a somewhat crazy weekend, as I aluded to in my previous journal, I returned to class on Tuesday! It was not the traditional class, as we were not meeting to dance, but rather for a mid semester council session at Jamba Juice!
It was a very pleasant day I must admit! The weather was supurb, and I was feeling good! Ballet had gone quite well that day, I had seen some real growth in class, and I was casually walking over to Jamba Juice, after a little down time at Starbucks!
How unusual it was to see my fellow dancers there in that place, in "normal clothes!" It was very relaxed, and I think we were all enjoying that very much! We had all (mostly) arrived quite early save our instructor and another dancer who were just coming from a dance class. Yet, soon we were all together standing in line ordering drinks, before settling in our chairs and one by one filing off to meet with our instructor to go over her personal assessment of our work thus far in the semester.
I'm not quite sure how I felt sitting there. At first, I think I felt a little anxious (naturally) and as I mentioned before, I was quite sure that I was about it hear that I had failed the midterm. However, to my great surprise, I had in fact not only passed but gotten 100 on the exam! That was certainly a personal confidence boost to the rest of the counciling session! And what followed too, were mostly words of encouragement. My instructor, told me that she had seen real improvedment in me over the course of the semester and that even though there were parts I wasn't getting, that over all I was really giving myself to each element of the dance! The major critisysm was, to work on smaller movements and especially to work on shifting my weight, and feeling what that felt like and learning to control my movements across the floor.
So, all in all, it was a good session! I left encouraged, yet challenged too, to continue and to continue pushing myself to another level!
Striving through the struggles ensuring success,
The Dancing Devil Dog

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