Monday, November 3, 2008
Dance Rehearsal

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
And There Was Much Dancing!
Hello dear friends,
my apologies for this much awaited update! The past few months have been quite hectic. That being said, I have returned and will certainly update you all very soon in the coming weeks ahead! There are many shows ahead, and I am quite excited as I'm soon to begin another chapter in my life as I transfer out to UNT this Fall with a major in Theatre and minor in Education. The future is uncertain at times, but both exciting and terrifying too!
Therefore away! I cannot a moment stay!
Desperately Dedicated to Drama,
The Dancing Devil Dog
my apologies for this much awaited update! The past few months have been quite hectic. That being said, I have returned and will certainly update you all very soon in the coming weeks ahead! There are many shows ahead, and I am quite excited as I'm soon to begin another chapter in my life as I transfer out to UNT this Fall with a major in Theatre and minor in Education. The future is uncertain at times, but both exciting and terrifying too!
Therefore away! I cannot a moment stay!
Desperately Dedicated to Drama,
The Dancing Devil Dog
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Performance!

It's hard to believe, even as I write this how fast this past semester and this past year has gone by, but it truly is over now! This past weekend (the 6th and 7th) I had my final end of the year dance performance for my Ballet I and my Jazz III classes!
It was certainly a hectic couple of weeks leading up to performance time, but I think the end result was worthwhile. The performance on Thursday, as to be expected, I felt a little nervous about, but following the show, Friday night, I felt as though the pressure was off and I could just have fun and dance! Both nights sold out! But, for me, I'd say I also enjoyed Friday night more as some of my friends showed up that night! And so ends another semester!
Driven by dance,
The Dancing Devil Dog
*Check out more pics from the show!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Journal #25 Jazz Technique III Class #25
as I sit here writing this today, I'm feeling rather tired! It feels like it's been a rather long day already! In ballet, we met at the JAT to run over our rehearsal on stage. It went fairly well, but I still feel like I need to work on tweaking the coreography, and mastering the technique.
It's hard to believe this whole semester is almost over, it's gone by so fast!
One thing that was kind of fun today, was that after ballet, I went into the studio to practice for a little while, and just as I was finishing up and about to head out, another dance class was coming in. Well, it turned out that they were doing a little ballroom, and since we were already there (those of us who were hanging out there) we were asked to stay for the class. So, we did and we learned some salsa and meringue. It was a lot of fun! It was cool, because for a moment it took my mind off of other things such as the choreography for the performance, and I was truly able to just have fun, because I wasn't "performing!"
Anyway, let me back up and talk a little about last Thursday's jazz class. It went fairly well. We went over the last bit of the piece, as we were still refining the choreography there. But, I think it was starting to come together for the most part. As I said before, I still don't feel like I have it as down as I would like, but I feel that with the time I have remaining, all I can really do is give me best with what I have down, and try to enjoy it and express that joy in my dance. The rest is show business!
And so off I go again into another day of dance,
The Dancing Devil Dog
as I sit here writing this today, I'm feeling rather tired! It feels like it's been a rather long day already! In ballet, we met at the JAT to run over our rehearsal on stage. It went fairly well, but I still feel like I need to work on tweaking the coreography, and mastering the technique.
It's hard to believe this whole semester is almost over, it's gone by so fast!
One thing that was kind of fun today, was that after ballet, I went into the studio to practice for a little while, and just as I was finishing up and about to head out, another dance class was coming in. Well, it turned out that they were doing a little ballroom, and since we were already there (those of us who were hanging out there) we were asked to stay for the class. So, we did and we learned some salsa and meringue. It was a lot of fun! It was cool, because for a moment it took my mind off of other things such as the choreography for the performance, and I was truly able to just have fun, because I wasn't "performing!"
Anyway, let me back up and talk a little about last Thursday's jazz class. It went fairly well. We went over the last bit of the piece, as we were still refining the choreography there. But, I think it was starting to come together for the most part. As I said before, I still don't feel like I have it as down as I would like, but I feel that with the time I have remaining, all I can really do is give me best with what I have down, and try to enjoy it and express that joy in my dance. The rest is show business!
And so off I go again into another day of dance,
The Dancing Devil Dog
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Journal #24 Jazz Technique III Class #24
as I sit here I am rather sore from the past few days of dance. Ballet went okay today. I must admit I didn't feel as good about today as other days. I still need to work hard on getting the technique down. It's not and easy or always fun challenge, but it is a good challenge worth investing in.
In other news, I registered for Spring classes. It's hard to believe that this semester is almost over! I'm planning on taking one ballet class and one modern. In addition to these two, I hope to take one more ballet class through the Dallas Metropoliton Ballet. So, it promises to be a busy semester, but hopefully not as exausting as this one has been!
Jazz was not too bad the other day. I must admit, I'm still struggling with some of the choreography. I think I've got most of it down, but the timing on some of it is a bit of a challenge, and the last few eight counts at the end of the piece are still a bit rusty as they are still being altered. So.... it promises to be an interesting show next week!
I suppose if there were any words of encouragement for the remaining days ahead, it would be to go out strong and confident each time. Embrace the dance, and make it my own! What I know, do it with all my strength, and what I don't know, do it still with great passion and confidence in a way that shows I am not intemidated by lack of execution. Part of the greatest element of performance is improvisation: owning the piece and making it your own. The steps are taught, and then you are supposed to stylize them how you feel they work best for you. And in the end, that is all that you can do!
Putting the best foot forward,
The Dancing Devil Dog
as I sit here I am rather sore from the past few days of dance. Ballet went okay today. I must admit I didn't feel as good about today as other days. I still need to work hard on getting the technique down. It's not and easy or always fun challenge, but it is a good challenge worth investing in.
In other news, I registered for Spring classes. It's hard to believe that this semester is almost over! I'm planning on taking one ballet class and one modern. In addition to these two, I hope to take one more ballet class through the Dallas Metropoliton Ballet. So, it promises to be a busy semester, but hopefully not as exausting as this one has been!
Jazz was not too bad the other day. I must admit, I'm still struggling with some of the choreography. I think I've got most of it down, but the timing on some of it is a bit of a challenge, and the last few eight counts at the end of the piece are still a bit rusty as they are still being altered. So.... it promises to be an interesting show next week!
I suppose if there were any words of encouragement for the remaining days ahead, it would be to go out strong and confident each time. Embrace the dance, and make it my own! What I know, do it with all my strength, and what I don't know, do it still with great passion and confidence in a way that shows I am not intemidated by lack of execution. Part of the greatest element of performance is improvisation: owning the piece and making it your own. The steps are taught, and then you are supposed to stylize them how you feel they work best for you. And in the end, that is all that you can do!
Putting the best foot forward,
The Dancing Devil Dog
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Journal #23 Jazz Technique III Class #23
as I come to the close of the trilogy recap, let me express a few more observations from these past few weeks. I suppose one particular event worth mentioning, relates to my ballet class. Over the course of this semester I have discovered real growth in my technique, particularly in ballet. I have taken on a class which initially, I must confess I was a bit concerned I would be able to grasp much from. Yet, to my great surprise, with but a bit of practice and diligence, and a heart full of dreams and desire, I was able to improve, far more than I imagined!
Over this semester I have befriended a few of my fellow dancers in the class. One in particular has be most helpful to me, and I am most greatful. She has spent time after class, going over choreography, and working on particular steps in technique where I am weak. And over this time she has taught me many good things, which I will likely take with me through the course of my career. In the last few weeks, my instructor in addition to my "tutor," suggested that I take some outside lessons in addition to classes here in dance to help me improve particularly in my technique. And so, I looked into taking some classes at a school called: The Dallas Metropolitan Ballet, which conveniently is across the street from my job. So, about a week or so back, I met with the instructors of the school and they suggested that I sit in on a placement class to see where I will fit.
I admit I was excited, but also quite anxious. As it turned out, I realized that it was going to be a bit more challenging than I had initially anticipated. I would be the only male dancer in a class of woman half my age, who had danced since they were quite small. And, this was an advanced company class, so there was little more I could do to humiliate myself! But, I tried to the best of my ability to keep up and do the best that I could with what I knew and what I was learning. Although, it seemed like the class would never end, eventually it did. And as the class started the wind down, the instructore pulled me aside and suggested, not to my surprise that I concider taking the evening adult's beginner class. So, as of now I still have not followed up on that, but I plan to over the course of the holiday break, when I have time to focus and a little spare cash to pay for the 8 class course. The future looks bright in spite of all my lack of faith!
Striving to continue along the path at any cost, no matter what trial may lie ahead, there is great potential waiting in the wings,
The Dancing Devil Dog
as I come to the close of the trilogy recap, let me express a few more observations from these past few weeks. I suppose one particular event worth mentioning, relates to my ballet class. Over the course of this semester I have discovered real growth in my technique, particularly in ballet. I have taken on a class which initially, I must confess I was a bit concerned I would be able to grasp much from. Yet, to my great surprise, with but a bit of practice and diligence, and a heart full of dreams and desire, I was able to improve, far more than I imagined!
Over this semester I have befriended a few of my fellow dancers in the class. One in particular has be most helpful to me, and I am most greatful. She has spent time after class, going over choreography, and working on particular steps in technique where I am weak. And over this time she has taught me many good things, which I will likely take with me through the course of my career. In the last few weeks, my instructor in addition to my "tutor," suggested that I take some outside lessons in addition to classes here in dance to help me improve particularly in my technique. And so, I looked into taking some classes at a school called: The Dallas Metropolitan Ballet, which conveniently is across the street from my job. So, about a week or so back, I met with the instructors of the school and they suggested that I sit in on a placement class to see where I will fit.
I admit I was excited, but also quite anxious. As it turned out, I realized that it was going to be a bit more challenging than I had initially anticipated. I would be the only male dancer in a class of woman half my age, who had danced since they were quite small. And, this was an advanced company class, so there was little more I could do to humiliate myself! But, I tried to the best of my ability to keep up and do the best that I could with what I knew and what I was learning. Although, it seemed like the class would never end, eventually it did. And as the class started the wind down, the instructore pulled me aside and suggested, not to my surprise that I concider taking the evening adult's beginner class. So, as of now I still have not followed up on that, but I plan to over the course of the holiday break, when I have time to focus and a little spare cash to pay for the 8 class course. The future looks bright in spite of all my lack of faith!
Striving to continue along the path at any cost, no matter what trial may lie ahead, there is great potential waiting in the wings,
The Dancing Devil Dog
Journal #22 Jazz Technique III Class #22
as I begin this post, I realize that I'm not precisely matching class date to class date. But I also know that sometime my perfection can get the better of me. I see that the true point of all this is to just express what I've learned over the course of this semster. And with that being said, I will continue somewhere not far from where I left off.
Following the costume shopping. Che and I arrived a little early back to campus as he has a Modern Dance class before our jazz class. This was fortunate for me as I had some time to kill. After getting a little bite to eat. I changed and went over to the studio to see if it was being used. To my great surprise, it was not! So, I actually had pleasure of warming up a little and practicing before class for a good 30 plus minutes!
I found that there was quite a bit that I still to this day need to work on. I think the most important part is sticking with it. Someone reminded me the other day of the importance of being physically present. I think that it's easy for one like myself to talk about practicing more, and scolding myself for not doing so, but when it comes down to actually doing it, that's quite another thing! Yet, if you make it a point to be present or be at the place where you will practice, once there, it's a little harder to get distracted, because now you're committed. So, as I look down the road to where this may one day take me, I see that it really comes down to discepline, and deciding that you will really do what you say you will do.
Without that, quite frankly nothing else matters. You must set aside the time and practice, for when you do, profound things will happen: you will grow, you will improve, you will be encouraged. But if you do not discepline yourself: you will forget, you will "get rusty," you will be discouraged, and you may even lose interest of pursuing it all together.
So to conclude this observation, it takes discepline to see progess in all aspects of life, in which was wishes to succeed. A disceplined life is a better life, it is a life worth living. A wasted life is a worse life, and one worth forgetting.
Striving for excellence in the everyday opportunities,
The Dancing Devil Dog
as I begin this post, I realize that I'm not precisely matching class date to class date. But I also know that sometime my perfection can get the better of me. I see that the true point of all this is to just express what I've learned over the course of this semster. And with that being said, I will continue somewhere not far from where I left off.
Following the costume shopping. Che and I arrived a little early back to campus as he has a Modern Dance class before our jazz class. This was fortunate for me as I had some time to kill. After getting a little bite to eat. I changed and went over to the studio to see if it was being used. To my great surprise, it was not! So, I actually had pleasure of warming up a little and practicing before class for a good 30 plus minutes!
I found that there was quite a bit that I still to this day need to work on. I think the most important part is sticking with it. Someone reminded me the other day of the importance of being physically present. I think that it's easy for one like myself to talk about practicing more, and scolding myself for not doing so, but when it comes down to actually doing it, that's quite another thing! Yet, if you make it a point to be present or be at the place where you will practice, once there, it's a little harder to get distracted, because now you're committed. So, as I look down the road to where this may one day take me, I see that it really comes down to discepline, and deciding that you will really do what you say you will do.
Without that, quite frankly nothing else matters. You must set aside the time and practice, for when you do, profound things will happen: you will grow, you will improve, you will be encouraged. But if you do not discepline yourself: you will forget, you will "get rusty," you will be discouraged, and you may even lose interest of pursuing it all together.
So to conclude this observation, it takes discepline to see progess in all aspects of life, in which was wishes to succeed. A disceplined life is a better life, it is a life worth living. A wasted life is a worse life, and one worth forgetting.
Striving for excellence in the everyday opportunities,
The Dancing Devil Dog
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